Create change through gamification
Games That Matter
GamesThatMatter is an membership based NGO that promotes the use of gamification to ACCELERATE positive CHANGE for critical topics to secure our future existence on planet Earth: Climate issues, pollution, food, a healthy life style, children’s protection and work safety.
NEW:FREE COVID-19 Escape Game. Our present for you!

Safety games - avoiding injury at work
Digital safety training through a games with life scores motivates the staff.
Training is faster, more thorough and an event people remember

Games that Matter Covid-19
Games that Matter NGO has formed a working group with event companies in Europe to create an educative Escape Corona Game.
The Escape Corona Game educates and entertains people, explains why we are asked to stay at home and gives best practice to avoid getting the Covid-19.
This game helps people feeling better and understanding why their movements are limited. It can save lives by reducing the spread. It is fun to play, and must stay free for everybody.

Plastic Games - Exploring plastic commitment in companies
Games that Matter initiated together with BarcelonaSail plastic awareness games. The games can be played at sea on land and in buildings. This is 60 – 90 minutes event concept has been very successful, because it is short motivating and positive for the work force.

Gamification Conference 02 04 2020 Cancelled
Given the COvid-19 situation we have cancelled the Gamification Conference to November 2020. We look forward seeing you then.